
martedì 19 aprile 2016

Pink Power 4 Girls.

Pink Power 4 Girls - long version. A New Visual Art Study , by
 Pink Power 4 Girls, is a work that I have developed to say something against the violence
on women and to try to apport a little help for raising the sensibility on that problem.

So I believe that the connection that could be developed in a  little group of girls should be a possibility to defend the women against violence.

In the spirit of; try for understanding  this possibility. I have developed this new  art tentative

This post is a sort of gate that connect together others 3 gates for a total of 4 interconnections, of art.

Here o my blog there is this type of Woman:

Girls power 4. #TORINO #DIGITAL #art #UnArteAltraPuoInItaly #igerstorino

See this Instagram photo by @flaviofassio * 16 likes

To find the other connections you can follow these other 3 links.

The First Gate is My Blog Shared on Niume.

Pink Power 4 Girls.

Pink Power 4 Girls, is a work that I have developed to say something against the violenceon women and to try to apport a little help for raising the sensibility on that problem.So I believe that the connection that could be developed in a little group of girls should be a possibility to defend the women against violence.In the spirit of; try for understanding this possibility.

The Second Gate is My Blog Shared on Linkedin Pulse.

Pink Power 4 Girls.

Pink Power 4 Girls, is a work that I have developed to say something against the violenceon women and to try to apport a little help for raising the sensibility on that problem. So I believe that the connection that could be developed in a little group of girls should be a possibility to defend the women against violence.

The Third Gate is My Blog Shared on Tumblr.

And at the end of the tour, experienced the connections between  4 Girls , you will get
Pink Power 4 Girls
 So please share with the Social Buttons if you like it. Sharing is caring. Thanks Flavio.

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